An old high school of mine, Jamie, invited us to a pool party at her parent's house in Scotch Plains. It turns out it was actually a birthday party for her older brother...good thing I made cookies! We were a little early so we helped them get ready by blowing up some of the floaty devices for the pool. And by help I mean Calvin tested them out in the house.
As soon as people started arriving we headed to the pool in the backyard. Calvin isn't so scared of the water anymore and actually kicks his legs while he's in the pool like he's trying to swim.

We even tried one of the floaty devices on him, but he didn't seem to like it very much. There was no bottom on it, so we had to be careful he didn't slip out.

Calvin wasn't the only one having fun with the floaty devices. Phil and Jamie decided to attempt to do a jump into the pool while landing on one of the floats. Jamie was aiming for a little yellow lounger and Phil was aiming for a can see for yourself how that turned out...
After Phil and Jamie's failed attempts, the birthday boy (Jamie's brother, Pat) showed everyone how it's done. He even added a flip for fun.
And for his next trick, a jump off the diving board onto the dolphin.
Sadly, Calvin was cranky so we ended up leaving before they started eating, so no food pictures (-__-)