Jersey Diary has been on a bit of a hiatus. I blame it on Calvin...
I'm going to be trying to do some back-posting of some older posts I've been meaning to publish, and then we'll get back to what our little monster has been up to more recently.
Back in October we had gone to a farm to do apple picking for Maddy's 1st birthday. It was very hot and sunny that day and there were a lot of people there. Luckily my sister had booked a private party tent for us so we didn't have to fight with lines. Phil was extra excited about that because that meant no fighting people in line for the bathroom.

Our tent was the bunny tent.

The farm provided little pumpkins as party favors. It was so hot outside that one of the pumpkins spontaneously combusted from the heat.

My sister with the birthday girl.

Maddy is finally ok with Phil holding her, but she has to be holding his ear. She does that to everyone - like her version of a security blanket.

The 2 cousins hanging out at the party. Calvin was sleeping in the car, so he had just woken up when this picture was taken. As you can tell he was all kinds of confused. He just kept looking at Maddy, and then he would look at us like "what's going on?"


My mom was super happy to spend time with her 2 grandkids. She tried to dance a little bit with Calvin to get him to relax a little bit. Dancing always seems to help.

Once Calvin got a little more comfortable around everyone he started exploring. He got to see his first pumpkin. I think he's trying to figure out if this is something he can eat, and how. He's always thinking about food -just like his dad.

Calvin's good friend, Van, showed up a little later. He looks so handsome with his new haircut. He finally started getting some teeth. He had his 2 front teeth - 1 was a lot bigger than the other and he looked so adorable. We kept trying to ge him to smile for the camera and show his new teeth.

Of course, being boys, they went straight to playing with the sticks and woodchips on the ground. We're lucky they didn't accidentally start poking each other in the eyes with them. They settled for beating the poles holding up the tent.

After hanging out at the tent for a little bit it was time to take the hayride to go apple picking. While we were waiting I took Calvin to pet the donkeys. Surprisingly, he wasn't scared at all.

Since we were part of a party we got our own private hayride. The hayride was a first for Calvin and me.

The apple picking was not what I remembered from when I was younger. There were no ladders to get to the top. The trees were pretty short, but it was still tough to reach the nice apples at the top unless you had someone tall, like Van's dad, Michael. Everyone was limited to 3 apples a person. I guess they didn't want everyone picking all the apples. I tried to let Calvin walk around so he could pick some applies from the lower branches, but he just wanted to play with the squished and bruised applies on the ground.

Thanh had to shelter Van from the sun on the hayride back, it was so hot.

When we got back from the apple picking we had pie instead of birthday cake. They had all different kinds of pies - apple, peach, blueberry, cherry. All the pies were homemad by the farm, with fresh fruits from the farm. Maddy got to blow out her birthday candle on a blueberry pie.

Even Calvin was clapping for the birthday girl (even if it was 2 minutes after everybody had already stopped clapping...).

Before we left Calvin and Van went to pick their pumpkins to take home. You can tell Calvin is eyeing that open pumpkin, just waiting to make a mess.