We made plans to hang out at my sister's new place on Saturday. Little did I know that it was actually a surprise bridal shower. And Phil was in on it! Who knew he could keep a secret?
My brother-in-law, Tam, was setup in the back patio with their new grill cooking up a storm. My mom and Mandy had put together some finger food to snack on, including a giant platter of california rolls.

And one of Phil's favorites, shrimp cocktail.

After filling up on some food we went straight into the bridal shower festivities. Mandy and Linda put together a bridal story game. Basically it's like a Mad Libs fill-in-the-blank using the names of household products, like cleaning product brands, paper towel brands, that sort of thing. The story was cute and very fitting. My favorite part was when they called Phil Mr. Clean. (It's funny because it's true...)

At the end they had a bin filled with all of the products that I got to take home. Phil was excited.
And who knew there was a brand of paper towel called "Big T"?

After our first game it was time for grilled yumminess. The food went pretty fast, so it was hard to get a good picture. Tam made a herb butter he put on the beef. Phil thought it was guacamole...

Next it was time for presents.

My mom got us airplane tickets for our honeymoon.

Phil even got some presents out of this. More toys for his Wii. With all the electronics that he put on the registry I guess it was bound to happen ^__^

Doesn't Phil look pretty in his bow?

After all the presents were opened I got a nice little ribbon hat, and a bag of personalized M&Ms.

For dessert Mandy made red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.

After dessert was probably my favorite part of the whole bridal shower - the last bridal shower game. Everyone split into 2 teams and had to craft a wedding gown out of toilet paper, while I hid upstairs until they were done so I could do the final judging. My mom was the model for the first team - complete with bouquet, wedding train, veil and jewelry.

Most of the dress started to slide off in the end after all the walking around, but it was adorable while it lasted.

That wasn't my favorite part though...my favorite part was that Phil agreed to be the model for the second team. They dressed him up in a lovely halter dress and they even gave him an a-cup. He was such a good sport.

Doesn't he make such a cute bride? ^__~