Finally, it's Christmas time! First we spent Christmas morning at my mom's house. Just my mom, my sister and my brother-in-law. No tree this year, but still plenty of presents to open. Here's Phil trying to keep all the presents for himself.

I got a really nice handmade picture frame from my sister with pictures of us when we were younger. There's one picture where I think she's trying to drop a pickle on my head...

Here's Phil showing off his Heman and Sheera holiday movie and Pokemon ornament. Don't ask...

Next it was off to Phil's parents' house in Queens for the rest of the afternoon and Christmas dinner. Phil's family from his dad side all come over so it was a full house. Here's the tree that Phil and Winnie put up the week before, complete with lights and tons of presents stuffed underneath.

Phil's mom spent most of the day in the kitchen cooking up a storm. Here she is with Phil's cousin, Lucia, who just arrived with tons of dessert (including homemade ice cream).
While food is being prepared there are people in the basement watching a basketball game on TV. 
While others stayed upstairs to rock out to some PS3 Rock Band.

Then after the basketball game ended there was a Wii setup going on in the basement. The Wii Fit was an especially big hit. Particularly the hula hoop. One of Phil's aunts even busted out a real hula hoop and started showing her moves in the kitchen.

Then it was time for dessert. There was homemade strawberry cheesecake and a store bought Christmas cheesecake from some bakery in NY called Fay.
And we can't forget the homemade ice cream! Lucia had made banana ice crea, blueberry and strawberry. She actually put balsamic vinegar in the strawberry ice cream! But you couldn't taste it all. It was really good.

After all the food was gone and the cousins started winding down from all the game playing it was time to open presents!

The highlight of the evening was Kevin in his Japanese t-shirt, complete with "used panty vending machin" picture, and a can of spotted dick...I'm not sure if he's actually going to eat it, but I think the present was more for the humor value.
Hope everyone had as fun a Christmas as we did! ^__~