Sorry we're a little behind on the posts, but here are some pictures from our trip to Cleveland last weekend. My company flew both of us back for my company holiday party. They rented out the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the event. Here's Phil outside just as we arrived.

The company has a little over 800 employees. Including spouses and minus any employees that decided not to attend there were about 1200 people in attendance. It was kind of packed when we arrived. This is everyone in the bottom floor squeezing their way to the coat check.

They had a band called the
Spazmatics for entertainment.

It was nice to be able to see all my old coworkers again. Although it was a little hard to find people with everyone spread out between the 3+ floors of the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Here I am with my friend Jaime who I did manage to find.

In the spirit of our company's usual events there were tons of games and activities throughout the venue. Including a room with 4 separate rock band setups, a couple DDR stations, a music video recording room where you could record yourself in a music video, and photo stations to commemorate the evening. Not to mention access to the entire Rock and Roll Hall of Fame museum.
Here I am with Phil in our holiday photo.

Here are Phil and Rebecca getting ready to rock out at Rock Band.

And me and Phil rocking out...

Phil and Rebecca doing some DDR.

Phil, Rebecca, Steve and I also attempted to make a music video to Amy Winehouse's
Rehab. But fortunately you won't need to be subjected to probably didn't help that none of us knew any of the words...
Overall one of the best holiday parties so far (in my opinion). I think this photo of Phil, Anthony and Steve pretty much says it all...

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