After a relaxing night at camp, it was time for the big day. Our first stop that morning was the salon to get our hair done.

And this is what I look like with curly hair...

We ran into a bit of a fiasco on our way from the hair salon to the makeup place. The hair stylist had attached the veil to the bride's hair before we left. I was in charge of giving the bride a ride in my car to the makeup place, and she accidentally closed the car door on her any of you who have been in my car know it's an old car. I just had it detailed before I left OH, but apparently the inside of my doors was not clean...The bride ended up with huge black spots all over her veil.
I felt so horrible and the entire way to the makeup place I kept trying to think of ways we could fix it. The bride actually found it funny and stayed relatively calm considering. We had devised a plan to try makeup remover, but fortunately one of the photographers (who had been following us around that day to take pictures) happened to have a Tide-to-go pen. It was magical!! I had to scrub at the spots for quite a bit, but I got most of it out. Crisis averted!
After finishing hair and makeup we headed back to the lodge at camp for some lunch before getting dressed. The groom and his groomsmen were all there when we arrived, so we confined the groom in one of the back rooms. I guess he got a little bored and decided to make a break for it through the window so he wouldn't accidentally see the bride before the wedding.

And the groom making his getaway in the golf cart...

I wasn't able to get any pictures of the wedding ceremony since I was in the wedding party, but I did get some shots of the bride and groom right before the ceremony.

Not to mention all of the girls in their lovely heels. Which by the way are not very easy to walk in on gravel and dirt...
Did I mention our toes were blue??

The ceremony was so beautiful. And of course I cried, which then led to me sniffling through the second half of the ceremony...I definitely wish I had snuck a tissue in with me...
Then after the ceremony we all headed to Bello Giorno for the reception.

The place was really nice, with a cottage in the bag for the wedding party to "prep" before we got introduced, and a gazebo that gets lit up at night.