The moving company brought our stuff from storage and dropped it off at the new house yesterday. There were only 2 guys, but they managed to get all of our stuff unloaded and our furniture reassembled in about 2 hours. So now, in addition to all the sawing and painting that's still going on, we have all of our stuff crammed into various rooms. We haven't officially started living in the house yet, but I think it's safe to say we'll be living out of boxes for a little while.
We've already run into a couple of crises with the new house (that is in addition to our mishaps with Home Depot). First was the pool crisis. Considering that neither Phil or I have ever had a pool or lived anywhere with a pool we had no idea how to take care of one. And the 5 minute explanation the previous owner gave didn't quite stick. As a result we ended with a very green pool...I don't think this picture properly conveys how green the pool was, but trust me when I say it was really green...
Second crisis was paint. It is official that Phil and I are no longer allowed to pick out paint colors. Somehow we have managed to pick out a collection of colors that resemble a child's coloring
book. First we have Big Bird yellow...
But not everything has been bad. Our granite countertops were just installed this past week and Phil is officially in love. We also had carpets installed in the 3 bedrooms. Phil was very excited
about the carpet, and I must admit it is quite soft. ^__^
More pictures to come as we finish moving in and getting settled.
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