We have some catching up to do on the happenings in Jersey. So there was an outing to NYC a couple weekends back with Phil's family. One of his cousins in CA came back to the NY area for work, so we all went out for lunch in Chinatown.
The lunch didn't look spicy, but it definitely was.

After lunch Phil went to get a haircut and we met up with his cousins in SoHo to do some window shopping.
Here is Phil with his cousin Lucia. Having a fiesta?

While we were walking through the city we saw a street sign that reminded us of our friends back in good old OH.

The following day Phil and I both got really sick. We're still not sure if it was the spicy food we had for lunch or the bubble tea we had after lunch. We're leaning towards bubble tea. With the China milk problem that's been going on we should have known better. I guess no more bubble tea for a while. *sigh*
Ahh, I saw the Cleveland street and took pictures of it too~~ What's the China milk problem? I love Chinese milk...
I'm Jessica Liu...btw
Hey Jessica! Chinese milk products are being pulled in various countries because of the recent child deaths caused by the melamine: http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/10/15/asia/AS-Asia-Tainted-Milk.php
Wow...nice to know! Me and Rebecca are heading over there at the end of this month for a 3 week training. I'm going to do my best to avoid milk then :)
It's worse... In Japan about 5 people have gotten very ill after eating frozen green beans from China. Apparently it had something ridiculous like 30,000 times the safe level of a nasty insecticide!! AAAAAA...
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