It was another weekend packed with wedding planning and preparations. In the morning I was supposed to get my hair trial done, but the stylist said she would need at least an hour and a half because of all of my hair - that's a long time to get your hair done! So I had to settle just for the makeup trial. Considering I'm not really used to how I look in makeup it went relatively well.
After the salon it was off to the city for more wedding stuff, and of course eating.
We ended up eating at Congee Village again. We even got to sit at one of the circular booths.

Now on to the food! Chinese donuts and strips of intestine (not sure if it was cow or pig...). That's a winning combination right there.

And when you have Chinese donuts you can't forget the sweet sauce!

Lots of noodles...

Something with beef and I think more intestines... (I really need to learn the names of these foods...)

And some surprisingly good chicken fried rice.

After lunch we started off in search of tuxedo rentals, flowers and rings.
I think the highlight was when we stopped by a bridal place called "Just Pretty" to look for a tux for Phil. We ended up doing the rental at "Manhattan Bridal", but unfortunately they didn't let us take any pictures, so everyone will have to wait until May to see Phil in his spiffy tux.

Finally, it was off to
East Manor for some dinner and ironing out details with the man in charge. We still have yet to try their buffet, but maybe next time.
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