Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bye Bye Pool

We finally opened up our pool last week, but not for swimming. We decided to tear it down and get rid of it considering the water in the pool has been a gross shade of algae green for at least 4 out of the 12 months we've had it. Probably more than that if you count the winter months that the pool was covered and the algae was secretly growing out of control.

Phil was able to find a coworker who was willing to take the pool off our hands, so we drained all the water from the pool to get ready to break it down.

Phil is getting ready to tackle the disassembling of the pool. Doesn't that lovely shade of green just make you want to hop in for a swim?? (sorry for the grainy looking photo - the picture was taken from the other side of our screen window)

After unscrewing the walls of the pool, Phil and his dad rolled up the wall of the pool with the help of Phil's coworker and his son while sloshing through the little bit of algae water left at the bottom of the pool. Fun fun!

And that leaves us with our giant circle of mud and dirt...Now we just need to figure out what to do with it...

Afterwards Phil got to take part in his favorite activity as a homeowner - cleaning up the yard. Doesn't he look so thrilled? ^__^

We're finally starting to make some progress with the backyard. Hopoefully this means we're that much closer to finally having our long awaited house warming party/BBQ. Can you still call it a housewarming party if you've been living in the house for a year already??

1 comment:

- said...

Oh pool we never knew you!