Saturday, November 21, 2009

Visitors from Cleveland

The weekend before Thanksgiving we had some visitors from Cleveland. May and Anthony came by with their cute little daughter Su-Kyi. This was the first time we really had a kid in the house for a prolonged period of time, so I think it was a good test for us to see how kid-friendly our house is.

We thought it would take Su-Kyi longer to warm up to us, but she seemed to make herself at home very quickly. Here she is in one of her favorite spots in our house. She really seemed to like the Ikea chair. Phil and her had a constant game of "my chair" going all weekend.

Su-Kyi's second favorite spot in the house was in front of the TV. A girl after Phil's heart. Look at how mesmerized she is.

During their first full day at the house Su-Kyi did some exploring and she found a nice comfy spot in our papasan chair. It fits her perfectly.

She kept Phil busy all weekend. I think Su-Kyi liked playing with Phil because he always picked her up, swung her around and turned her upside down. Her she is flying - Super Su-Kyi!

And up she goes! Don't worry, in reality she's nowhere near that ceiling fan. It's a trick of the camera I tell you.

May had to drive down to Princeton to do some work, so we drove along with her to make sure she found her way. When we arrived we stopped by a little mall area that was hidden away. It looked more like a strip mall from the outside, but opened up into a decent sized mall once you entered the stores from the outside. Phil picked up a polar bear treat from Starbucks. Gotta love those scarf-wearing polar bears.

While I was exploring with Su-Kyi we found a baby store that had all kinds of toys, like an entire kitchen playset. But we're not talking about your run-of-the-mill Playskool kitchen playsets, these were the high-end, "almost cost as much as actual kitchen appliances" playsets. But that's why window shopping is so great. Su-Kyi seemed to have a good time playing with all the knobs on the play stove.

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