On to part 2 of Christmas. In the afternoon we left my sister's place and headed into NY to Phil's parents' house. We opened some presents just between Phil's immediate family before the rest of the extended family arrived.

Winnie bought Calvin a toy Octopus that teaches you the colors in different languages - English, French and Spanish. Sorry no Chinese...

Since we just came from Christmas with my family, we had shoved all of the presents into the car and brought everything with us to NY, including Calvin's new jumper. Good thing we have the big car or else it never would have fit. I think he was still getting used to it so he sat nice and still for his picture with Winnie.

The Christmas tree at Phil's parents' house is overflowing with presents too.

Slowly lots of people started arriving. Calvin with his grandma and Aunt Winnie (with her mom's enormous glasses).

Calvin and Lea.

While people were upstairs playing rock band the food was being laid out downstairs. Mostly the usual stuff - sqiud, chicken, cha siu, veggies aand soup. There was even some XBOX Kinect playing going on.

Then there's always the overflow table.

Phil shared his lovely rendition of Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me". I was tempted to post the video, but it was too long...

Time seemed to fly by with Calvin being around. Before I knew it, it was time for dessert. There was carrot cake, strawberry cheese cake, and the infamous Wegman's fruit tart from the Wegman's grocery store. The first time Phil and I got this was for my mom's birthday dinner, and it was delicious! So we ordered it again, this time for Phil's family.
They even had a special Christmas tree shaped one for the holidays, with a star fruit at the top. The tart was a big hit.

There was also an apple turnover cake that one of Phil's aunts made. That was pretty tasty too.

Poor Calvin isn't old enough to enjoy any of the desserts. He looks so sad.

Phil's aunt Ruby shared some stories about Kevin when he was a baby.

Calvin and grandpa. For once Calvin doesn't seem scared of him. ^__^

After dinner and desserts it was time to open presents. Calvin made out like a bandit! All of his presents are piled high at his feet like a little emperor.

Family picture time.

One of Phil's favorites of the evening was actually a gift for Calvin - a Transformer's shirt to match the one Phil has. It's a little big though so he'll have to wait a little before he can wear it.

Kevin, Phil and Phil's dad sporting their matching ties.

Check out more picture from Christmas (part 1 and 2):