Jumping pictures are a must when we hang out with Phil's cousins, so we got a picture of everyone jumping in front of the Palance of Fine Arts lake. The guys got pretty high!
Not too far from the Palace of Fine Arts is a beach that looks out onto the Golden Gate Bridge. We were lucky it was a super clear day that day so we got a great view of the bridge.
Group photo!
Phil and me standing out on the beach - it seems weird to be on a beach when we're so bundled up with our coats. It was a nice day, but a little windy when you get out near the water.
From the same beach area you could even see out to Alcatraz.
While we were sitting and enjoying the scenery we met a new friend - Kai, one of the biggest dogs I've ever seen. Look how huge he is! But very friendly.
Our next stop was Ghirardelli Square. It used to be the site of the original Ghirardelli factory, but now it's just a tourist spot with little shops.
We didn't stay very long, just long enough to grab some free chocolate and take a picture by the mermaid fountain. The mermaid in the fountain is holding a baby like she's breast feeding. That will be me soon (minus the tail of course...).
After we left Ghirardelli Square we walked down the street towards Fisherman's Wharf. You can't really see him but Phil's posing under the sign. It's hard to take pictures on such a busy street.
They specialized in making animal shaped breads. Here you can see their bear, crab, alligator and turtles. The little turtles are the cutest. Almost too cute to eat.
At the end of Fisherman's Wharf was Pier 39 where people go to watch the seals. That's them in the background.
For some reason they all like to pile on top of each other even though there are plenty of empty planks to lie on in the back. Every now and then there would be seals in the water that would jump up and try to make a spot for themselves. Sometimes they would knock off other seals. It was very amusing - like watching some kind of soap opera with seals.
On the way back to the hotel I was able to grab a picture of the crazy San Francisco hills. I wouldn't want to drive down one of these roads, but they're pretty to look at.
For dinner I went with Phil and his sister, Winnie, back to the Westfield Mall food court. Phil and I tried a place called Buckhorn Grill, which claimed to have the best tri-tip on the planet. I can't say that I've ever had tri-tip anywhere else to compare it with, but this place was really good.
This was their tri-tip of fame. Complete with mashed potatoes (which were also to die for) and grilled veggies.

We also ordered a salad to balance out all the junk we'd been eating that day. The salad was huge!
We also ordered a salad to balance out all the junk we'd been eating that day. The salad was huge!
Winnie ordered Korean noodles, which she seems very excited about.
After dinner we headed to the AT&T ball park to meet up with Ray, Alex and Kevin for a baseball game. It seems a cousins' reunion with Phil's family isn't complete without seeing a baseball game.

Alex, Kevin and Phil look so bundled up and cold, but it didn't seem too bad to me. Maybe it was the extra weight from the baby keeping me warm.

Alex, Kevin and Phil look so bundled up and cold, but it didn't seem too bad to me. Maybe it was the extra weight from the baby keeping me warm.
What a long day! Between the morning of eating and the afternoon of sightseeing we hit almost all 4 corners of San Francisco! (at least according to our handy map)

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