Calvin had his first "play date". Mandy and Maddy came over along with Tam's cousin, Thanh, and her son, Van, who is 2 months older than Calvin. Since they're still so small, technically they don't really "play" together yet, but still... It's a baby train, with Calvin riding shotgun.

Mandy likes to clip up Maddy's hair so she looks like Pebbles from the Flinstones. So cute! Especially when she has her entire hand shoved in her mouth.
Van is also a bit of a cutie. He looks like he's more than 2 months older than Calvin. I think it's because he has so much hair.

Maddy got tired out fast. I guess the play date was just too much excitement. She had to cover her eyes to block out all the fun.

But after her little nap all 3 babies went back to "playing" together.

Despite a brief incident where Calvin pulled Van to the ground by the back of his shirt, they seemed to get along OK. Van took quite an interest in Calvin's ear. Possibly because it sticks out so much...Calvin didn't seem to mind too much...

The three musketeers - probably staring up at all the adults wondering what in the world is going on...
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