After a night over at Mandy's we woke up to make some breakfast before opening presents. Mandy makes these bacon and cheese popovers that are pretty tasty. She didn't have enough muffin pans to make a big batch, so she had asked me to bring over one of my muffin pans. So, the two smoodgy and deflated looking ones on the left are from her muffin pan, and the nice fluffy and plump looking ones on the right are from my muffin pan...I definitely think her muffin pans are defective somehow...I think we need to invest in getting her some new ones.
Tam had been anxious to open presents all night. We stuffed his stocking with lots of L'Oreal product goodness. Check out the snazzy L'Oreal golfing hat!
Mandy and Tam had taken a trip to Turkey recently and they brought me back a pair of handmade booties - at least that's the only way to describe them. I even got a picture of the Turkish woman who knitted them. Maybe I can wear them around the house in the cold winters when Phil refuses to turn on the heat.
There was also lots of Turkish candy and chocolate.
and I do mean lots...
One of the coolest presents was Mandy's watch. It's solar powered, so you never have to worry about changing out the batteries. But it's not a dinky plastic looking watch like you might expect. I'm not really sure what happens when you wear the watch to sleep or sit in the dark...
But of course the coolest present was the new Samsung camera Phil and I got. It's the new model with the full touch screen interface and mini-screen on the front of the camera. Our old camera is over 5 years old, so it was about time for a new one. That just means nicer quality pictures for the blog - yay! ^__~
And apparently this year was the year of the cameras, because my mom got a camera too. This is the Cool Pix Nikon camera that you see all those commercials for with Ashton Kutcher.
Phil's prized gift of the morning was his new Christmas ornament - it's the head of Optimus Prime from Transformers, and it speaks when you push his "ear"and his eyes light up. Look at how excited he is.
Then there was a new snow globe to add to Phil's collection. Oddly enough all 3 of the Christmas snow globes he has now plays the same song - "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". I'm beginning to wonder if all Christmas snow globes play that song or if it's just a coincidence....hmmm...
By far the biggest present this year was mom's. You can tell how excited she is. Just like a kid on Christmas should be ^__^
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