Then there's the eating...The bottle is bigger than his head! Although he's only actually drinking 2 ounces now, which is not even a quarter of the whole bottle.
I'll spare everyone from the pooping part...
Then there's the occasional aimless staring into space. He still can't see very far in front of him yet, so I'm not really sure what he stares at all the time. Although he seems to focus on the TV a lot - definitely too early to get him started on that habit!
And of course he gets spoiled with tons of hugs and kisses.
Its been interesting learning all of his noises and faces, and little tricks to make him stop crying. One of my favorite faces his is "uh oh" face. This is the post-poop "uh oh I made a messy" face. That's when you turn around and hand the baby to daddy! ^__^
We've also found that the swaddle can be a life saver for quieting a fussy Calvin. Basically you take a receiving blanket and wrap the baby up tight like a burrito so he can't move. It's supposed to remind them of the womb. Calvin usually finds a way to bust out of the swaddle, but every now and then you get a good swaddle and he's done for the night. It's always exciting when you get a good swaddle. Phil's especially proud of this one. Calvin's not going anywhere tonight!
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