Thursday, June 25, 2009

Snapple Big Apple BBQ Block Party

After we got back from the honeymoon Phil had to go into NY to get 2 of his wisdom teeth pulled out. The plan was to go into the city, get the teeth pulled and go straight home so he could rest and recover if needed. The day before I got an e-mail from Phil asking if I want to go to a BBQ block party the same day he's getting his teeth pulled...Now you would think that a BBQ would be the last place you would want to be after getting your teeth pulled. Not only could you potentially be in pain, but you wouldn't be able to eat anything. But I guess this is Phil we're talking about.

The event was the annual Snapple Big Apple BBQ Block Party. (They should come up with a shorter name...) It was at Madison Square Park. You basically walk around and stand in line to buy ribs or pulled pork from various places for $8 a plate. But of course, as luck would have it, it started raining as soon as we got to the park to meet up with Phil's cousin, Kevin. But since we came all the way out we decided to stay.

Surrounded by so much food and he wasn't able to eat a thing...Phil looked so sad...

Our first top was the Blue Smoke stand for some pulled pork. It was Carolina style (I can't remember if it was North or South), which means not BBQ-based. It was OK, but I think I still prefer BBQ.

Each place had huge grills setup to keep up with all the people lining up for food. Surprisingly some stands had already run out of food by the time we got there and it was only half way through the event...

After the pulled pork we decided to wait in line for some ribs.

Looks yummy, doesn't it?

Kevin gets ready to chow down while Phil looks on enviously.

It would have been nice if it wasn't raining, but there's always next year. And maybe then Phil will actually get to participate in the eating...

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