This weekend we headed out to Flushing to have Dim Sum with Phil's godmother. This is the first time we've seen her since the wedding. We forgot to take pictures while we were in the restaurant so I snagged a picture as we were leaving. That's Phil's godmother on his right.

Afterwards we headed into Chinatown to do our routine grocery shopping. Phil was thinking we might not go into the city next weekend, so I had to stock up more than usual...
Then we left his parents and we headed into Brooklyn to
finally pick up the wedding photos from our wedding photographer. Yay!
We were a little skeptical and had low expectations considering how cheap it was, but we were pleasantly surprised. They don't have the "wow" factor that the pictures from Taiwan had, but we weren't expecting them to. I guess it's better to keep your expectations low. ^__~
There were over 400 pictures, so I couldn't really post all of them. I took out some of the duplicates and all the kissy pictures (because really who needs to see pictures of us kissing close up?), and I posted them
here. So check them out! There are some good pictures of the chopstick game.
As we were driving along the Brooklyn Bridge back into Manhattan to head home I snagged a picture. Nothing spectacular, but I thought the cloudy sky looked kind of cool...what more can you expect from a point-and-shoot camera?