First thing in the morning we headed to Brooklyn before making our way to Manhattan to take a look at washing machines. (The one that came with the house is slowly dying...)
I took some pictures of the city as we were crossing the Manhattan Bridge. This shot of the Empire State building is one of the few that didn't come out blurry or with random pieces of bridge in the shot.

We were considering going to Joe Shanghai, but the line is always so long we decided to go to Famous Sichuan across the street instead. Here's Phil with Lydia, Winnie, Kevin and Lucia.

Sichuan food is known to be spicy. I'm not big on the spicy, so I tried to stick with the soup dumplings, scallion pancake and fried dumplings.

After lunch Phil and I went grocery shopping with his parents. That's when we passed the old Hong Kong Station noodle place that we ate at back in April. It seems this was the building that's been in the news recently for being condemned. Apparently the landlord didn't maintain the building so it wasn't up to code. Unfortunately that means all the residents in the apartments above got kicked out...

Once we finished grocery shopping we headed over to the South Street Seaport to meet back up with Phil's cousins. It was a nice day on Saturday so we took a stroll by the water.

We bumped into his Uncle Tat by the water where he was taking some pictures, so he took a couple pictures for us.
Once we met up with the cousins inside the Pier 17 mall we walked around some of the stores inside. Phil and I ended up in the flag store so I could prove that they did in fact have Taiwan's flag. Yay Taiwan! ^__^

The next stop was the Häagen-Dazs where we all loaded up on ice cream. It seems like we've been eating a lot of ice cream lately.

Before heading back to Phil's parents' house we made a stop at Lucia's apartment. I think I caught Kevin off-guard with this picture...(don't ask about the nose...) He's trying to figure out what the homemade basil ice cream that Lucia made actually tastes like. I think he and Phil eventually settled on either Pizza or Boston Market..I wonder how well Boston Market flavored ice cream would sell...
Saturday was the Yo-Yo Open at the South Street Seaport. Phil and I missed most of the festivities, but we did make it in time to see the crazy Japanese band that came on afterwards. Notice the giant red squid on the right rocking out on the guitar. Only the Japanese...(and I say that lovingly). I guess the Yo-Yo Open must be pretty big because there were some people who came all the way from Japan just to attend.

Before heading back to Phil's parents' house we made a stop at Lucia's apartment. I think I caught Kevin off-guard with this picture...(don't ask about the nose...) He's trying to figure out what the homemade basil ice cream that Lucia made actually tastes like. I think he and Phil eventually settled on either Pizza or Boston Market..I wonder how well Boston Market flavored ice cream would sell...
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