Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cousins' Reunion '08 - Day 3

No white water rafting pictures, but at least this time nobody fell in, unlike the last time Phil and I went rafting. We did get a little worried in the beginning when Salty, our guide, was asking us to sign the waiver forms and warning us of the class 5 rapid, Boulder Drop. With a name like Boulder Drop it's hard not to get cold feet, but it didn't end up being too bad. This rafting trip was definitely a lot easier than last time because we actually had a guide in the raft with us. The water was very cold though.

Afterwards we mainly stayed back at Phil's cousin Alex's apartment. A couple of the cousins headed over to another apartment to set off some fireworks. The rest of us stayed back to play games on the Wii, and we even got to see some fireworks of our own. While it may not have been completely legal, there were some people setting off fireworks right by Alex's apartment, and standing on his front porch you could see the horizon littered with fireworks throughout the city. I was going to post the video I took, but I'm having a little trouble with the upload, so a picture will have to do...You may nto be able to see it very well, but those little lights all the way in the back are the fireworks. It was a lot more stunning in person. =)

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