Thursday, December 4, 2008


I had to get stitches for the first time this week. But no worries, it wasn't because of an accident or injury. I had the mole on my forehead removed, and they had to stitch me up when they were done. I'd had that mole ever since I was little and I never really had plans to get it removed, but the last dermatologist I went to said it was getting a little red and was concerned that it might be cancerous. As weird as the thought was to get it removed and as worried as I was (about the stitches and any potential pain...) it seemed worth it if the mole did turn out to be cancerous...

Luckily the only painful part was when they injected me with a local anesthetic. It was like getting shot with novacaine by the dentist...only it was in my head...After that I didn't really feel very much of anything. And I couldn't really see what they were doing, but there was definitely blood involved. So maybe it's better that I couldn't see anything...

When they were done they covered the stitches with a giant bandage that I had to leave on for the rest of the day. I stopped by the store afterwards and there was a little girl in line in front of me that kept trying to get her mom to ask me what the bandage was for. Not that I blame her - the thing covered my entire forehead!
The next morning I was allowed to take the giant bandage off and replace it with a bandaid. That's when I got my first look at the stitches...It kind of looks like a giant bug. Ick...

I'm not quite sure how they plan on removing the stitches...but I guess I'll find out next week...
Wish me luck!

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