Mikaylin is only 4, but apparently she LOVES babies. She was very good at holding Calvin, and he got lots of hugs and kisses.
But he didn't seem to mind ^__^
A couple of my Aunts and Uncles came over to have lunch together with us. Meanwhile Calvin was surrounded by a little fan club of girls - full belly, lots of attention, what more could he ask for?
In the afternoon Calvin got to spend lots of time with Camilyn. Here is sporting his "I Love Taiwan" hat that he got from my Aunt and Uncle in Taiwan.
He was much more willing to play in the exer-saucer than he was the night before, now that he was well rested.
While Calvin was playing, so was Phil. He was trying to beat Draydon and one of the neighborhood kids at hockey. I think the kids ended up winning.
It was a long day - poor Mikaylin was so tired. That's her daddy (my cousin Michael). I can't imagine Calvin being that big and having to carry him around when he's sleepy...
While Mikaylin thought about sleep the rest of us sat down for dinner.
We had some left overs from lunch that my Aunt Jane had made, plus some grilled chicken that my cousin's wife, Mimi made. It was delicious! I wish I knew how to cook like that. (-__-)