Saturday, April 16, 2011

Upstate NY - Paying Respects

I made plans with my mom and sister to drive to upstate NY to visit my grandparents' ashes. Since Calvin is still a baby I'm not too comfortable with bringing him around any kind of cemetaries or ashes (even if it's at a temple), so Phil was on baby duty. I did get to feed Calvin his first baby cracker before I left though. My sister bought it for him while she was at Mitsui, a Japanese market. It's hard enough that babies can hold it in their hand without it falling apart, but soft enough that it dissolves as soon as it gets wet. I think he likes it!

And we put Calvin down for a nap before I headed out. Now that he can roll around, he ends up in all kinds of weird positions in his crib. When we go to check on him he's never where we left him. Where's Calvin?

I'm not quite sure where in upstate NY the temple is, but it's about a 2 1/2 hour drive. It's a lot of woods and mountains, you almost forget that you're in NY state.

Once you reach the temple you have to park your car and walk up the hill.

After paying our respects and burning some paper money we headed home. Then after dinner we had some unexpected visitors - some of Phil's old coworkers stopped by to say Hi and meet Calvin. This is Tejal, it was our first time seeing her probably since our wedding. She was very excited to meet Calvin.

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