After Anand left Joanna, Maroa and Mohamed came by so we could all go out for dinner. Joanna recently became an aunt, so she's well practiced in baby handling. Calvin looks so comfy.
Maroa and Mohamed look like they might be ready to add a new addition to their family too! ^__~
For dinner we headed to Houlihan's. We ordered some pizza and loaded fries for appetizers.
Phil ordered the enchilada. We had a nice long discussion trying to figure out what an enchilada was. I think the general consensus was that it was a taco that was wrapped in something other than a taco shell...Whatever it was it looked pretty good, and Phil gave it a decent rating.
I ordered a chicken stir fry. I know...stir fry at an American restaurant probably not the best idea, but I have to be careful what I eat now because of the baby. It was what you would expect of Chinese food from an American restaurant. They even give you chopsticks! Why do people always think that sprinkling those crispy noodle things on top of a dish makes it more Asian?
Calvin was being good and he slept all the way through dinner.
If only we could guarantee he'd always be this good every time we go out...
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