We still managed to get him dressed and ready to go. We actually saw our first snowflakes of the winter, so I got him bundled in this cute bear hat one of my college friends sent. Too bad Calvin's such a big boy that he's already outgrowing it.
Our first stop for Thanksgiving was my mom's house for a light pre-Thanksgiving dinner lunch. Calvin was super alert when we first got there. He looks like such an old man in this picture with his bald head and pot belly, sitting on the couch looking grumpy.
Everyone wanted to save room for Thanksgiving dinner, so my mom prepared a bunch of small appetizer type foods - cheesy biscuits, chicken skewers, stuffed mushrooms, bacon-wrapped scallops, bacon-wrapped asparagus, meatballs, Japanese yams, walnut shrimp and sticky rice. And of course my experimental pumpkin cheesecake.
Luckily for us both Calvin and Maddy were knocked out while we were eating. It's so cute that they have the same sleepy pose in this picture - king and queen of the couch!
After lunch it was time to bundle Calvin back up in his winter jacket and get ready for part 2 of Thanksgiving...
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